Indigenous Participation in the Impact Assessment Act: FAQ

Click below to view the Impact Assessment Act 2019 Frequently Asked Questions:

Laurren Bowden is an African Nova Scotian law student from Pictou County, Noa Scotia. Laurren studied kinesiology at Dalhousie University and is currently working towards a JD from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Laurren is a proud member of the Indigenous Blacks and Mi’kmaq Initiative at Schulich School of Law and is currently working with Professor Michelle Williams and the African Nova Scotian Decade for People of African Descent Coalition as a Summer Research Assistant. Laurren will be articling at Pink Larkin during the 2022-2023 articling period.
Stephanie Robinson is from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Stephanie studied at Guelph University for her undergraduate degree in environmental governance and at the University of Toronto for her master’s in Conservation and Environmental Studies. For her graduate thesis, she focused forest governance and whether the Ontario forestry industry has been effectively including Indigenous people in the sector across various levels. Stephanie has earned her JD with a certificate in environmental law from Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Stephanie is currently working towards her articles at Pink Larkin.